The sun shines on Cape Wrath Ultra® participants as they register for their adventure

It was an uncharacteristically scorching day in Fort William today as ultra-runners gathered to register for the Cape Wrath Ultra®. The 400km ultra-running adventure runs from Fort William all the way to the northwesterly tip of Scotland. The journey will take them 8 days, and along the way runners will encounter some of the wildest and most remote scenery that Scotland has to offer.  

Some runners will be opting for the Explorer Course, a shorter option where participants can choose to do either the first or second half of each day, allowing them the same breath-taking experience but without the same pressure.  

Along the way, runners will stop at overnight camps, which pop up, as if by magic, in some of the most beautiful locations on the route. Here they will be able to sleep in tented accommodation, refuel, rest and maybe even socialise a bit after a long day out in the Scottish hills.  

Excitement is high ©No Limits Photography

The Event Team have been working hard

Helping our runners along the journey a team of hardworking and enthusiastic individuals who keep everything running smoothly. This team consists of both volunteers and Professional Staff, all of whom are there to support the runners. From medical support to catering, and building tents to making hot drinks, a huge amount of work goes into putting on an event like this.

The team who will support our runners ©No Limits Photography

Many of this year’s Event Team are former participants from previous years, who have now decided to give back by seeing the race from the other side. One of these returning runners is David Parrish, last year’s winner, and marks the first time that someone who has won the race has actually come back to volunteer.

Conversely, a huge number of volunteers at last year’s event are now back as runners, ready to try their hand at this epic ultra!

The teams are briefed ©No Limits Photography

This year has a strong international contingent, with nearly 40% of runners coming from outside of the UK to compete. This just demonstrates how the race has developed a reputation as one of the most breath-taking ultras in the world.

On the other end of the spectrum, one participant is so local that he has watched the participants run past his house for the past few years. David Fergusson is a Scottish gamekeeper and deerstalker who has over the years assisted organisers, as the route passes through the estate he works on. This year he’s decided to see things from the other side. He said, “I have never participated in any formal running event before, but after helping and watching in recent years, decided to take the bull by the horns and register for the 2024 event. I’ve been training in extreme weather conditions for a year now and am really looking forward to taking on the extreme challenge that the Cape Wrath Ultra offers through the dramatic Scottish landscape.”

Ollie the Event Dog is ready ©No Limits Photography

Race Registration was buzzing today

Today participants enjoyed the glorious Scottish sunshine as they lined up for registration. Here they had their mandatory kit checked and picked up their bespoke Event Maps. They were also able to drop off their Overnight Dry Bag which contains all the equipment they need for the camps along the way. In the evening, they all enjoyed a welcome meal before going to the Race Briefing with Event Director Shane Ohly. While there were certainly some nerves, most participants seemed ready and raring to go on their adventure.

While the Cape Wrath Ultra® race is 8 days long, this is actually the culmination of a much longer journey for most participants, who have spent hours training hard, poring over kit lists, dialling in nutrition strategies, and then tapering for the big event. It’s certainly going to be a week to remember!

All packed and ready to go! ©No Limits Photography

The Adventure begins tomorrow!

Tomorrow morning, runners will be ferried across to Treslaig, where their journey begins. Runners will be set off in 2 waves – one at 11 and one at midday.

You can track them on their journey by following the link below:

Fort William is a stunning backdrop for registration ©No Limits Photography



Sign up for the 2025 Cape Wrath Ultra or the shorter Cape Wrath Explorer and join us for 8 unforgettable days in the Scottish Highlands.

Sign up before 7th June to save £100 with the early bird price! In 2025, we are limited to 200 spaces, many of which will already be taken up by those who’ve registered interest in the event.

Runners are preparing for their journey ©No Limits Photography


We are creating a beautiful journal celebrating the 2024 event. For a limited time only, we are offering you the chance to sign up for a FREE copy!